A friend of mine recently asked me “Am I gay, straight or what?” We need some handy tips to get answers to this question. The ‘Am I gay?’ quiz will help clear your doubts. This is a short but intelligent quiz, consisting of just 9 questions. But, before taking this quiz, you need to keep in mind the myths and misconceptions about gay people:
Don’t judge your sexuality solely on the basis of erections/sexual arousal. Not every naked person of the same gender is going to turn you onFinding people of the same gender attractive is totally normal. It could be that you are appreciating them as humansDon’t reject any part of yourself. Be truly open and honest with yourself. Embrace the possibility that you could be gay for realSexuality is fluid. It’s normal if for the most part, you are attracted to the same gender, but sometimes, find yourself drawn to the opposite genderIt’s okay to not know. You cannot get the answer to “Am I gay?” in one day. Keep exploring your sexuality until you figure it out
Finally, the only person who can answer the question, “Am I gay?”, is you. Reflect on some questions. Why did you take the ‘Am I gay’ quiz? What’s making you feel uncertain? What parts of yourself are you uncomfortable with? Have you ever kissed someone even though you knew that deep down you didn’t want to? Who is that person who makes your heart flutter and not in a brotherly way? After taking the quiz, what’s next?
Coming out of the closet is complex. Take your own time to get comfortable Reach out to people who will love you regardless. Everyone is going to take time to process it. So, don’t rush itIf the results of the quiz say ‘No’ and you’re still convinced you are gay, approach an LGBTQ+ therapist for clarity
Seeking professional help can help you a lot in exploring your sexuality. A licensed professional will definitely bring you closer to arriving at the right answer to the question, “Am I gay?” They will help you uncover those parts of you that conform to society and bring out the ones that are truly you. If you’re looking for help to break free from the dilemma about your sexuality, counselors on Bonobology’s panel are just a click away.