A good morning message after the argument or a simple short text to start the conversation with your boyfriend/husband after a fight can do the work. You can send him a funny text if you think that things are calm, or an apology if you messed up. Depending on the fight, you can send him something through which you apologize, or you don’t apologize but address the issue. Whether you’re looking to make your angry boyfriend happy over text or to simply start a conversation after the fight, I’ve got you covered! Considering that there’s tremendous importance to the way you approach him, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind before you text him after a fight.

How to handle the post-fight situation with boyfriend/husband over text?

Depending on the fight, the aftermath of it can lead you confused, angry, sad, hurt, or heartbroken. Or all combined at the same time. Texting can be a good way to make the first step to making up and agreeing on something beneficial to both of you. It can be a little difficult to just leave your ego and pride aside and say sweet words to him. As much as it is difficult, it’s crucial for a healthy discussion, and maintaining healthy boundaries in your relationship. So, here are a few tips on how you can handle the post-fight situation over text with him: – Acknowledge your wrongful/hurtful behavior. If you did something wrong, you should acknowledge that behavior. Let your partner know you’re aware of what you did, and that it was hurtful to him. This allows him to feel heard, and to understand that you understand his reasoning for being upset. – Be open to hearing his side of the story as well. If you’re the one that got hurt by his words and feelings, present him the opportunity to express himself as well. If you’re the one wanting to break the silence, then it’s best to give him a chance to explain and hear his side of the story. – Apologize sincerely. An apology should be heartfelt. If you’re looking for forgiveness you should be honest, sincere, and open to his response. A sincere apology after the fight is a great way to make your bond even stronger! – Give him time to respond. Insisting on getting an answer back right away might infuriate the situation even more. Wait for a little while once you’ve sent that text, give him room and space to respond to your text (whether it’s an apology or not). The night could end with an exchange of romantic good night texts, however, don’t be surprised if it doesn’t. – Express your love. After a fight, there’s a need for reassurance due to the distance and confusion that’s usually created during/after a fight. Expressing your love for him to him will be reassuring to him. It’s a good way to give him the sign he’s looking for, a sign that you care about him and that you didn’t mean to hurt him. – Ask him if he’s ready to talk about this. No matter who made the situation worse, or who got more, if there’s love, there’s room for a calm conversation to calm things down. – Explain. Again, the couple after a fight needs reassuring. Be it reassuring of love, reassuring of good thoughts, or what happened, etc. If you said something by accident, if you did something, or whatever that caused the fight it’s important to explain it. Things can be misunderstood, especially if the fight is heated, so an explanation is necessary. A calm conversation in which you both explain respectfully will do wonders after a fight with your boyfriend. – Give it a while to cool down. After you reconcile, the tension might still be there. It’d be unrealistic to expect everything to clear off right away. Give it a while to cool down, and get back on track after the fight.

50 texts to send your boyfriend after a fight

After figuring out the right approach to the situation, it’s time to craft the text! You should text your boyfriend after a fight if you want to clarify things, and if you’re trying to fix things back up. Despite the complication of the situation, there are cute things you can text to your boyfriend/husband after a fight. So if you’re looking for an emotional message for your husband or boyfriend after a fight, then don’t worry because I’ve got 50 of those! Depending on your situation, you can choose any of the texts below that fits you best. Here are 50 texts to send your boyfriend after a fight:

  1. I know I messed up, and I’m sorry. How can I make it up to you?
  2. I’d like to explain and apologize, do you have a moment?
  3. I don’t want to fall asleep being mad at each other. Can I call you?
  4. Let’s make up and cuddle! I hate being mad at you!
  5. I didn’t mean what I said earlier. I know I hurt you, and I messed up. Can we please talk?
  6. I want to make it up to you. I’ll be taking care of the chores as long as you want me to.
  7. I want to talk about this. I don’t want to go to sleep while being mad at each other. Let’s solve this together.
  8. I’m sad and hurt, and even more because we’re mad at each other. Let’s solve this and make things right.
  9. Good morning. Last night was pretty bad… Let’s sort this out together.
  10. I love you, but you hurt me today. I’m willing to sort it out.
  11. I’m sad about what you said, and I know that wasn’t you talking. I want to hear your side of the story.
  12. I didn’t listen to you, and I handled the situation horribly. I’m sorry.
  13. I do understand if you need time, but I just wanted to say I’m sorry for those hurtful things I said.
  14. I’m ready to talk about it if you are. I don’t want to fall asleep being mad at you.
  15. Let’s talk about it. We both said wrong things, and we both can do better than that.
  16. We’re too good together to be mad at each other.
  17. I hate this! I don’t want to ever get upset with you again. Can we talk?
  18. Good morning. I was mad, and I didn’t listen. The night without you was awful! I’m sorry.
  19. Not talking to you sucks! I’m sorry, and I’m ready to do what it takes to make it up to you.
  20. I had no idea that that word would be hurtful to you. I am so sorry for being so ignorant and inconsiderate towards your feelings. I understand if you need time, but I’d also like to make it up to you.
  21. I can’t do this. I don’t want us to be mad at each other. Let’s calmly talk about this.
  22. I’m sorry. This is one of the worst things we can do to each other. I want to hug you right now, and never say the things we did ever again.
  23. I’d never say anything to hurt you. You mean the world to me, and hurting you would hurt me even more. I’m sorry.
  24. I don’t want you to think you’re unimportant to me when you’re the most important person in my life. How can I make this up to you?
  25. I’d like to explain myself. I know I messed up, and I’m sorry for what I’ve done. Let me know when you’re ready to talk about this.
  26. I hate myself for hurting you. I know apologizing isn’t going to make it easier for you. I want to make it up to you. Can we please talk?
  27. We both said hurtful things to each other, we crossed boundaries, and it sucks that we did that. I don’t want to be mad at you anymore.
  28. I am aware of how irrational I was, and I’m still being irrational since I’m still mad about it. I want to get rid of this feeling, but I don’t know-how. Will you help me?
  29. I’ll lower the heater’s temperature next time, and I’m sorry for being inconsiderate. I don’t want to fall asleep knowing we’re mad at each other.
  30. I didn’t like what you said to me, but I also don’t want us to fight again over such details.
  31. I’m still sad about what you said… I miss you, and I forgive you. Let’s not ever argue like that again.
  32. I want to talk about this, I want to make this right.
  33. I love you, and what I said can’t be excused. I want to make it up to you. Please let me know when and if you’re ready to talk about this.
  34. I hurt the most precious person in my life. I’m sorry. I don’t want to ever fight like that again, ever!
  35. I’m still sad about what you said to me, but I want to work things out.
  36. Let’s not ever fight like that again. Or even fight. I hate what we said to each other. I’m sorry.
  37. I was insensitive and inconsiderate which is very immature. I apologize, and I don’t want to fight with the person I love the most.
  38. Good morning. I love you to bits, and I’d never hurt you. I didn’t mean to be hurtful or hurt you with my words and actions. I’m sorry.
  39. I hate that we fought over such a small thing, and I hate that my words hurt you. I want to hug you right now and never say those words again!
  40. I’m willing to give this another try and say the right things to each other. I forgive you for what you said, will you forgive me for what I said to you?
  41. I said some terrible things, didn’t I?
  42. That fight was horrible! Let’s not ever do such a thing again. I apologize for what I said.
  43. Let’s agree to disagree. I hate being mad at you!
  44. Please forgive me. I never wanted to hurt your feelings, and I didn’t know how hurtful those words to you were.
  45. Good morning. I’m feeling empty, and I’m mad at you, and I hated the night without you. Let’s not fight again.
  46. Good morning. I was sad not to see your face this morning. We messed up a little. I’m ready to talk about it, I don’t want to be mad at you any longer.
  47. I accept your apology. And I apologize too. We both said things we shouldn’t. Let’s meet up tonight.
  48. I forgive you, and I hope you forgive me too. We were both unreasonable, and made a little mess, didn’t we?
  49. I’m not going to let a silly fight affect our relationship this much. I love and forgive you, baby.
  50. That’s the last and only thing I ever hid from you. I’d never hurt you, ever. I’m sorry…

Who should text first after a fight?

Usually, the one who did the most damage is supposed to – should – be the one texting first after a fight. However, that depends a lot on your relationship dynamic, since relationship dynamics aren’t linear only. They don’t fit into a single mold. If you know you’re the one to do him wrong or to hurt him, then you should be the one to text him first after the fight. If he’s the one that hurt you the most, then he should be the one reaching out first, preferably apologizing. On the other hand, if both of you equally crossed limits and boundaries any of you can text first to address the situation. So, if you feel like you need to address the situation, clarify it, or simply break the silence, you can go for it. There’s no rule to it.

Conclusion: Texting your boyfriend after a fight

Fights happen in every relationship, not just romantic ones. Considering the complex nature of us as beings, fights and arguments are inevitable. What makes a relationship standing or even getting stronger is the way that those fights, arguments, and differences are handled. If you messed up, apologize. If he messed up, address the problem: how and why? If he messed up, he should also be able to acknowledge his hurtful behavior so that you don’t feel alone in the relationship. Go ahead, copy one of the texts, or craft your own. Make sure your text is heartfelt. You’re gonna solve this and have one of the warmest hugs together! Love, Callisto

What to text your boyfriend after a fight  50 texts that ll fix fights - 45What to text your boyfriend after a fight  50 texts that ll fix fights - 25What to text your boyfriend after a fight  50 texts that ll fix fights - 96What to text your boyfriend after a fight  50 texts that ll fix fights - 28What to text your boyfriend after a fight  50 texts that ll fix fights - 46What to text your boyfriend after a fight  50 texts that ll fix fights - 36