Several indigenous cultures believe that each one of us is guided by beings of the highest compassion and nature through our journey on this planet. These beings come in different forms and serve different purposes for each individual. Since every spiritual seeker’s journey is different and each of us carries a different karmic substance, it would be limiting to be fixated on a single spirit animal. However, if you’re new to this uncharted terrain of the spiritual world and its tremendous possibilities, then your zodiac spirit animal can help you feel grounded during the times you’re feeling all over the place.

Find Out Your True Zodiac Spirit Animal Here

Spirit animals or guides can help a seeker tap into a new level of awareness of their inner world and in turn, help them navigate the external world better. In my experience staying in touch with my spirit animal has helped me become conscious of my own patterns. Once you’re in tune with your spirit animal, you can overcome any difficult challenges you may face in your life, if you’re fortunate it may even lead you to your twinflame. It is believed that everyone has encountered their spirit animal at least once. Maybe it’s an animal that keeps appearing in your dreams, or perhaps you find yourself resonating with your zodiac spirit animal the most. To understand this complex topic better we have put together this article on each sign’s zodiac spirit animal. By the end of this reading you’ll be able to make sense of why you carry certain traits within yourself and yes, you can credit (or blame) it on your zodiac spirit animal.

1. Aries spirit animal – The Ram (March 21 – April 19)

There’s much to say about this ambitious, self-assertive and borderline narcissistic sign. People of this zodiac are known for their fierce and fearless behavior. This Mars-ruled cardinal sign is the one leading all the zodiac signs, which explains their astute leadership qualities. Since this sign rules in the first house, the House of Self, it represents a new beginning and self-identity. If you’re an Aries you might be able to make sense of why others perceive you as egocentric and find you to be a very self-focused person. While there are several explanations for it, the simplest one we have to offer is on the basis of your zodiac spirit animal. One look at this sign’s zodiac symbol is enough to sum up, an Aries. The Ram, which represents the Aries spirit animal on the zodiac, is known to be an aggressive competitor. Just like it’s impossible to make a Ram change the direction it wants to go in, an Aries can’t be swayed by any external situation. Once an Aries woman is in love she’ll commit to the relationship and you can be assured she’ll stick around for you. There are a lot more similarities between the Aries and its zodiac spirit animal. The way the Ram is always protective of its herd, the Aries native will go to any extent required to protect their loved ones. In many ways, their capacity to love is endless.

2. Taurus spirit animal – The Bull (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus falls under the second house of the zodiac; this house represents the House of Value. Several astrologers interpret this as the house that values the possession of material as well as immaterial things and success in finances. This sign is the second one in the zodiac and unlike Aries, this is a fixed sign and falls under the Earth element. The mighty Bull is this sign’s zodiac spirit animal and rightly so. No other animal can represent the Taurus spirit animal better than a bull. This beastly creature shares a lot of similarities with natives of this sign. My best friend is a Taurus and I love that he’s an extremely stable individual. People of the Taurus sign have a strong desire for stability, whether it’s in their social setting or in their work. They have a strong desire for extravagance, contentment and great things, which can lead to intense yearnings and desire. Ladies when a Taurus man is in love with you, he’ll pamper the heck out of you but expect a short temper during arguments. Taurus natives, like the Bull who represents their sign, are prone to anger and once enraged, they can be terrifying. Similar to their zodiac spirit animal, people belonging to the Taurus zodiac are stubborn individuals and always hold their ground. In terms of physical appearance, people from this zodiac are known to have a strong presence and robust physique. Lastly, their trust has to be earned just like the Taurus spirit animal.

3. Gemini spirit animal – The Twins (May 21 – June 21)

The third sign of the zodiac, Gemini, does not have a zodiac spirit animal representing itself. This sign rules the House of Sharing, which represents generosity and communication. Gemini are quick to overcome communication problems in a relationship. Their astrological symbol is a glyph of two lines joined together which symbolizes the Twins. This is said to represent the two qualities of duality and neutrality that this sign is known to inherit. A few astrologers also associate the Phoenix as this sign’s zodiac spirit animal. Gemini’s are the most adaptable sign from the zodiac and like the Phoenix, they emerge from a catastrophe stronger. They are known to survive the most intense of flames and rise anew from the ashes. This sign has the quality of a mutable modality which enables them to remain flexible to the changes in life, unlike certain fixed signs. If you’re dating a Gemini man know this, he’ll always looks at things from multiple perspectives and analyze every possible outcome; this gives this sign a strong foresight while making important life decisions. A Gemini personality is found to be intelligent, inquisitive and highly persuasive. You will never have a dull moment around a Gemini as this sign is highly sociable and yet calm at the same time. We can attribute this quality to the Gemini spirit animal, or spirit symbol. Gemini’s are the least judgmental sign of the zodiac and certainly one of the wisest. They know change is the only constant and that life doesn’t always go as planned.

4. Cancer spirit animal – The Crab (June 22 – July 22)

Cancerians are empathetic beings; they are considerate of their own as well as others who are in sync with their spiritual side. This sign belongs to the fourth house in the zodiac, the House of Home and Family. This makes a Cancerian a good nurturer. The Cancer spirit animal is represented by the Crab and it’s the most accurate zodiac spirit animal for this sign. Just like their spirit animal, Cancerians have the tendency to retract into their shell whenever they find themselves in a dangerous situation. They’re homely beings and are far too sensitive to expose themselves to risky experiences, at-home dates are a great way to make a Cancer man happy. Similar to their zodiac spirit animal, Cancerians also have a shell of their own in the form of psychological armoring and a lot of emotional coping mechanisms too. As they’re empathetic, people from this sign will tend to do things from a foundation of kindness and refrain from inflicting any kind of pain on others. Security and protection are important to a Cancer individual. However, on the flip side, clinginess is also in its nature; similar to the crab’s gripping ability, a Cancer will hold onto people and situations. Due to this trait, they are loyal to the people who matter to them and they stick to their close-knit circle of meaningful connections.

5. Leo spirit animal – The Lion (July 23 – August 22)

Leo’s are a magnificent sign represented by the Lion. Which traits make the Lion a perfect choice as the Leo’s spirit animal? Leo’s are known to be bold and confident in their behavior, king-like even. People born under the sign of Leo are natural-born leaders. They are dramatic, creative, self-confident, dominant, and extremely difficult to resist. Since this sign is placed in the House of Pleasure, recreational and leisure activities are important to them, this is important for you to know when dating a Leo woman. They are able to achieve anything they want to in any area of life they commit to. The glyph for Leo represents the head mane, and tail of the lion. The circle is symbolic of the bright and shining Sun, and the swirling arc from the circle represents the Leo’s highly influential presence. Every Leo is optimistic and has an endless capacity for fun and entertainment. They enjoy receiving compliments and gestures of gratitude. It’s the little meaningful things in life that make them feel happy and content. They might be generous and helpful, but they need their compliments from time to time. Like their zodiac spirit animal, the Leo expects to be respected and admired by those around them. They walk with their heads held high. When someone disrespects or questions them, watch out, because both the Leo and the Lion know how to lash out and make a powerful statement. However, when they feel threatened, they can turn cold-hearted, jealous and aggressive.

6. Virgo spirit animal – The Maiden (August 23 – September 22)

In this list of zodiac spirit animals, there are a few signs which are not directly associated with a spirit animal. We’ve already covered one such sign Gemini, and the next sign is a Virgo. Instead of a Virgo spirit animal, we have a young woman, a virgin, representing this sign in the zodiac. Don’t let that confuse you, Virgo’s are known to be very sensual in bed and have a spicy sex life. The Virgo native is represented by the virgin or maiden carrying a shaft of wheat. The maiden symbolizes the Virgo’s need to help and serve and the wheat symbolizes their ability to separate the wheat from the chaff. Its glyph, an ‘M’ with an inward twist, is reflective of the introspective nature of Virgo. Virgo rules the 6th house in the zodiac, the House of Health and interestingly this house is considered to rule all pets and animals. The 6th house stands for routine tasks, training, courage, strength and service to others. In line with their house placement in the zodiac, this sign is at its best when there is a consistent and steady pattern to their daily routine. Virgo’s are one of the most caring zodiac signs and love to go the extra mile to help their loved ones. Emotionally intelligent, these generous beings like to be appreciated for their efforts. Practical, organized and modest are the words that describe a Virgo individual. Due to their need to be organized and feel put together in life, this sign focuses on a few specific priorities rather than many scattered pursuits. They devote themselves to only a select number of activities and pursue them with all their focus and energy to excel in them.

7. Libra spirit animal – The Scales (September 23 – October 22)

The third sign with a missing zodiac spirit animal is the Libra. Here, this sign is represented by the Scales. The word Libra itself comes from the Latin word “lībra” which translates to a “pair of scales”. It’s a great symbolic and literal interpretation for this sign, because it shows this sign’s desire to maintain balance in all aspects of life. Some contemporary astrologers associate the Libra spirit animal as the Swan. Librans are known to be nurturing, loving and artsy, and traditionally the Swan symbolizes elegance, love and harmony. These are also the traits of the planet Venus which happens to be Libra’s ruling planet. I say from this personal experience, a Libra woman makes for a perfect soulmate. So the next time your friend mocks you by asking you “Who is the Libra spirit animal?” you will now have a witty response backed by astrology. The Swan can very well be the zodiac spirit animal for this sign given Libra’s inclination toward romance and relationships. We’ve all seen movies where two swans come together to form a heart 🙂 This air sign is obsessed with symmetry and creating equilibrium in their life, as well as in the lives of those around them. Let this not come to you as a surprise but this sign rules the 7th house in the zodiac, the House of Balance. This house brings with it equanimity, diplomacy, and equilibrium. Just like Aries, Libra is a cardinal sign and inherits dynamic behavior along with a go-getter attitude, making these two signs highly compatible with each other.

8. Scorpio spirit animal – The Scorpion (October 23 – November 22)

The most controversial sign of the zodiac is represented by the Scorpio and it’s not a coincidence. Let’s reason out why the Scorpio spirit animal is represented by the Scorpion. The Scorpion represents this sign’s ability to hide in the shadows, observe and stay alert to any potential threat in its surroundings. There are several traits that the Scorpio spirit animal and the sign have in common, but a strong instinct for survival and sensitivity to danger are the most defining traits they share. Did you know that the Scorpion is the oldest terrestrial animal to walk our planet? Along with a strong survival instinct, Scorpions (and Scorpios) are known to be adaptable to any environment. They’re truly the last ones standing during turbulent times. This sign rules the 7th House, called the House of Transformation, is associated with the cycles of death and rebirth. If you belong to this zodiac then know that you have the power to alchemize any situation and transform into your best version. Since they are a fixed sign, a Scorpio is not a fan of changes in plans. The Scorpio is loyal and trustworthy, this makes Scorpio men the best husbands. Scorpions are full of passion for all the elements of their life. They’re intuitive, resourceful, hardworking and determined; always very dedicated to turning an idea into a working reality. Their passion along with the rare gift of a depth of understanding allows them to form deep connections with others, and they feel strongly about the things they believe in.

9. Sagittarius spirit animal – The Centaur (November 23 – December 21)

Sagittarius is the last of the three fire signs in the zodiac and it rules the House of Purpose. This sign is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which is regarded as the King of Gods in astrology. The Sagittarius spirit animal, the Centaur, symbolizes duality and paradox. This zodiac spirit animal is also shown to carry an arrow, which can be interpreted in two ways. One: the Sagittarian needs to look for a higher spiritual meaning of life, and since this is a fire sign they’re also known to be truthful and straight with life. Fire signs can’t tolerate beating around the bush and this mistake can make them less passionate in the relationship. And two: the half-man and half-horse Sagittarius spirit animal also suggests that the native of this sign has a wild side. If you’re in love with a Sagittarius man know that this sign loves disappearing into the wild, going on adventures and living life on the very edge. Similar to their fire sign twins, Leo and Aries, this sign is also fierce and independent. They approach life with the intention of experiencing it in its rawness and thrive in risky situations. If you’re a Sagittarius then your calling to experience as much of the world as possible and soak in the different cultures of the world is real and an indelible trait of your sign. Use your blend of autonomy, intellect and emotional intelligence to make an impact in the lives of people. Let your passion drive you.

10. Capricorn spirit animal – The Sea Goat (December 22 – January 19)

Right alongside the mythical Centaur of Sagittarius we have the Sea Goat representing the Capricorn spirit animal. The symbolic meaning behind the body of a goat and the tail of a fish reveals that Capricorn can navigate both, the material as well as the emotional realm, skillfully. This sign rules the House of Enterprise and it primarily represents ambition and governance making them one of the most wealthy signs of the zodiac. They’re the last of the Earth signs in the zodiac. With their ruling planet, Saturn (which rules the dimension of time), and their cardinal modal, the Capricorn exhibits a blend of patience and leadership as their primary traits. Similar to its zodiac spirit animal, this sign can climb up the mountain of success with its unwavering focus and determination. Under the rule of Saturn, Capricorns are incredibly connected to the concept of time. Naturally, this makes the people of this sign, punctual and great at time management. However, this goes deeper than that. For the Capricorn, time is an existential reality and they recognize that life is short and therefore, they are always racing against the clock. Slowing down is not an option for them as they’re a cardinal and there’s a lot a Capricorn wants to accomplish in a lifetime. Every zodiac sign has a weakness and Capricorn is no exception. A word of caution for, you dear Capricorn – remember that not everyone can match up to your standard of doing things and living life. Be mindful of not imposing your personal standard as the only standard on others. Everyone enjoys your inspiring nature but not everyone will accompany you to the top of the mountain.

11. Aquarius spirit animal – The Water Bearer (January 20 – February 18)

We’re sorry Aquarius, you’re the last sign in the zodiac that doesn’t have a spirit animal representing you in the zodiac. It’s placed in the 11th house, the House of Blessings. An Aquarius is an opinionated, independent humanitarian and an intellectual being. It’s safe to say that they are the most intelligent sign of the zodiac. The Aquarius spirit animal, or rather, symbol, is that of the Water Bearer. The Water Bearer is symbolic of eternally giving life to the world. The water is seen as a life-giving force and also washes away any past that may act as an anchor, making space for a new start and greater possibilities. This sign is ruled by Uranus and the planet governs innovation and technological advancement. Aquarians are known for their optimism, self-reliance and witty sense of humor. Similar to Gemini, this air sign is forward-thinking and wants to make the world a better place. The strongest characteristic about being an Aquarian is their futurist mindset, guided by strong empathy and intuition. When an Aquarius man is in love he does not shy away from commitment. An Aquarius native reading this might think to themselves, “Well I know all this” and this is precisely the caution we recommend you to consider. Yes, you certainly know a lot, but you don’t know it all. Don’t fall into the cycle of being ruled by your perfectionist ideals, be conscious of when you’re being overly idealistic.

12. Pisces spirit animal – The Fish (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces is well connected to the animal and the spirit realm. This sign is the last sign of the zodiac and rules the House of Sacrifice. The ruling planet for this sign is Neptune and it represents seclusion and privacy. The Pisces zodiac symbol shows two fishes swimming in the opposite direction. So what does the Pisces spirit animal represent? It represents the conflict and duality this sign feels as the last sign of the zodiac. Similar to the fish there is more to a Piscean than meets the eye, deep within their oceanic depths where they hold their big hearts. Just like their zodiac spirit animal, Pisces is difficult to get a hold of in a metaphorical sense and is one of the zodiac signs likely to break your heart. This sign is great at riding the waves of life, going with the flow is a natural and innate process for them. But because life has its own ebb and flow, a downside to this trait is that Pisceans often finds themselves in situations they don’t want to be in. This can be easily avoided if this signs learns to stick up for themselves and weigh the pros and cons in a situation. That’s the end of this list of all the zodiac spirit animals. We hope you found this article to be helpful and informative. Don’t forget to share this piece with your best friend so they can learn about their spirit animal too.

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